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1 year ago
Freed Kapros

There's three companions I can't figure out obtainment methods for, Icefisher Stork, Rockbreaker Ox and Freed Kapros. I'm reasonably certain the stork comes from an encounter in goldrun... 4? If you have level 35 fishing and rockbreaker ox comes from Murkwood 4(?) If your mining is 35. Am I right? More clarity on this would be great like if it's a guaranteed drop, if it's super rare, if you can get more than one, etc. Thanks

Much more importantly is Freed Kapros, I truly cannot figure this one out. I was told vaguely "there's a bracelet you can buy in the mole market" but ??? I don't know what that means.

Thanks for the help!

1 year ago
The Exhausted
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I don't have the freed kapros yet, but from what I can tell, you have to get a recipe for a fluorescent amulet (I don't know if it's in the MM, but you can get it in the mining mayhem shop when it's mining activity week), and you have to make said amulet and take a wolf wearing it into the campaign. I heard it's quite rare, and I don't know if you have to be in a specific area for it.

The Ox is in Southmarsh, the second sword area in Murkwood. It is not rare, you have to give it an assortment of bars gotten from mining, and it is a guaranteed drop. You can also get more than one if you want, I have two.

I imagine the stork is the same way, though you give it an assortment of fish instead. It is in Icerun, though idk which spot offhand, but you can check by going into each area, and looking to see if it's in the encounter boxes.



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i did not realise you had to buy a recipe from the mining mayhem shop. i had read from others it was an apparel item in mole market. sorry for the mislead!

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1 year ago
The Broken
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@Stellori is right about the pattern being in the mining event week shop, you will also need the gold chain recipe which is from the mole market though to craft a material needed for the amulet, which is why I'm guessing people have brought up the mole market's involvement I think.

The ox and stork are both second sword area events that pop up after you unlock certain mining and fishing skills, and get the same companion as said event when you exchange ore to the ox and fish to the stork. I actually just crafted my first necklace though and plan to try it soon so I can let you know what I find out. :3

1 year ago
The Legion
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Once you have the amulet equiped to a wolf, you need to go to Southmarsh, the second sword area of Murkwood. You'll see in the scenarios at the bottom of the page that the 'Consumed Kapros' scenario is added. It's quite rare though. I'm still on the hunt for it.


1 year ago
The Curious
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How do you get the fluorescent gemstones needed for the recipe? I haven't seen them anywhere! Thanks so much :)

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@Fioreth the gemstones are a mining drop from the Fluorescent Fountain (the lv 43 area). It drops very rarely (even more rare than the moonstone ore), but luckily you only need 1 ore to make the gemstone.


1 year ago
The Curious
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Thanks so much for the info! <3

1 year ago
The Legion
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No problem at all! :)


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