This is probably kind of a dumb question but I've been a bit busy and haven't really been checking up on Lorwolf for a while but i'm confused about the activities / farming festival banner, and can't tell if it's a style change or a genuine bug. I remember it looking a bit different than how it does currently, and the only reason i'm fielding this question here rather than in bugs is because It'd be a rather foolish bug submission if it was simply changed a while back during my absence.
It looks like this
and I remember it having a different look to this, with kind of inverted colors / a lighter background and darker activities. I know for sure it's not something with light / dark mode as I generally keep it toggled to light mode.
So I guess my question is has the site had a bit of visual tweaking with this and I just happened to miss it? It's a little hard to track that down on the patch notes / development updates if any changes to the general layout's happened or not.