Hello! I make custom apparel or ideas for it in my free time and figured why not make my own little store ^^!
This store will be mainly ran by *pre-orders* at first so prices in the normal CA shop will only ever be 30-50ms ranging unless I do something really big or crazy! Though preordering will gain first buyers a discount! As I will make first run a direct deposit to my inventory and send them out once approval is complete!
I will have pinglists for each new piece underneath the wip or work itself as well as updates ^^! However I will most LIKELY work on projects that have the most interest at time.
Currently in Works:
Sticker Pack: (35MS)
Looks like someone got into the stickers again...
*Will have 3 variations to suit your wolfs needs!
Currently: finishing rest of breeds! (3/12 poses done)
Preorder slots?: (Will be pinged when im ready to take payments!)
1) Aleta (25MS)
2) lilybun (25MS)
3) N/A
4) N/A
5) N/A
Pinglist: @/Aleta
General pinglist: N/A