Like everything, including eyes, being the same color. Are there any wolves like this yet? And how much would they cost (if not G1)? Or does it depend on the color in question
Depends wildly on color, ID, breed and genes. Most people don't care about eyes, btw. I would guess like AT MOST 100 MS for a basic Quad color? A Bracchus could be worth maybe 5 times as much, if they have a decent ID.
Just educated guessing, though. Wolf economy is still pretty wild.
It would likely depend on parentage too. If both parents are the same colors, that means they could pump out dozens of identical G2s. If somehow the stars aligned to create this unique creature out of a fairly wide range and can't be easily replicated.. I'd imagine it would cost more. Completely black and completely white wolves aren't very rare, but an entirely.. I dunno.. mustard? mauve? wolf would be pretty rare.
I am in no way an expert on the economy, but: I got a quad-silver (with blue eyes) lupin for 1000 FR gems so depending on conversion rate around 66 ms. But it was a progen puppy so guaranteed quad-silver outcome every time. I imagine it would be a bit higher with the same color eyes.
If it was a wild wolf, oof I can’t even imagine, but I think it would be very very very expensive (bracc scrolls and Kickstarter items range minimum).
I don't think the genes matter much. The way the genes on Lorwolf work makes the genes completely invisible if the colours are the same in the different colorslots. Other than that I have nothing to add in the guestimates ^^'