Hello there, I got a question about the profession of mining. Whenever my wolf goes to pick some up he has a full cart of 15 ores, and when they return only 10 out of my 15 ores smelt. Is this supposed to be like this? should I have to pay 1,000 to stoke each time to get the last 5?
..does your last 10 ores at least have 5 of the same type? let's say you have 4 copper and 3 iron and 3 silver, no bars will be smelt. or its just another case of a lazy wolf. who knows, lmao
@Angela Did the remaining 5 ores match? Because if it's say 2 copper ores and 3 iron ores, even stoking the furnace won't help as even then you still need 4 ores to get another bar.
Today when I checked all my ores were smelt, so I can't double check but I think not enough of the same ores was the case. Thank you for the help, everyone!