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1 year ago
[A] WW breeding pair (unbred)

Ex sol et pruina

From sun and frost

Introducing Vertumnus (#
37362) and Poloma (#77720), named for Roman gods of harvest and seasonal change.

We will be auctioning the two of these as a pair, Poloma belongs to me while Vertumnus belongs to @Baubor

Auction starts at server reset tonight at 6/18/2023 (00:00) and will run for 48H, ending on 6/21/2023 (00:00).

SB for pair: 100MS SB

for single: 55MS *or* 55% of current top bid for the pair, whichever is greater

Minimum Increase: 10MS for pair

Current bid: @/Xion SB

Vertumnus #37362
Poloma #77720

Eyes: Parsley
Accent: Timber Slate
Under: Cozen Bronze
Top: Cozen Tawny
Base: Mocha

Eyes: Sand
Accent: Timber Chalk
Under: Timber Autumn
Top: Cozen Ginger
Base: Mocha

Color breeding preview:


Bids must be placed on the forum, however, if you want to bid on the Discord, please also post on the forum.

Ping both the previous bidder and either @sunshine or @Babour

Anti-stealth policy: Bids placed within one hour of the end time extend the bidding window by one hour each.

Winner will send half of payment to sunshine and half to Babour.

FAQ: What if I only want one wolf? SB for a single wolf starts at 55MS. If a bid has been placed for the pair, bids for single wolves must meet or exceed 55% of the bid for the pair.

What if I bid on the pair and someone else bids on a single? You have three options:

1. You can walk away. Your original bid is not binding.

2. You can increase your bid for the pair to push the other person's bid out of the 55% requirement

3. You can keep your bid in place. If you "win," you will receive only one wolf; however, bid for the wolf you did not get will be subtracted from your payment. (Example: Say you bid 100MS for the pair, someone else bids 55 for Poloma, and no higher bids are placed. You can optionally choose to just take Vertumnus--now only for 45MS.)
What if two people only want one wolf and no one bids on the pair? Proceed as a normal auction. SB remains 55MS. Some of this math is funky! What if 55% isn't a whole number? If needed we can take pebbles or shards to hash it out.

Be nice, have fun, let's auction!

1 year ago
1 year ago

@Xion congrats on winning the auction! We'll be sending the wolves to you shortly :)

WAIT AH I thought today was the 21st, my bad!! Never mind me, apparently I can't read dates oops-- if no one else bids then you get the pair though!!

1 year ago
The Hoarder
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@sunshine @Xion

110ms for pair :)


| Cute YCH |

1 year ago
The Restless
He/him - ID 2998
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Thank you for your bid!

@Narif @Xion

Auction ends in approximately 2 hours at 00:00 am server time. Bids placed after 11:00 pm server time will extend bidding time by 1 hour each. (It is 10:58 pm server time at time of this post.)

Edit: meant to say 9:58.


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1 year ago
The Restless
He/him - ID 2998
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One hour left. Bids made after this post will extend bidding time by 1 hour each.


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1 year ago
The Restless
He/him - ID 2998
225 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 15
Forum Comments: 185
General Rank 3
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 3
Campaign Rank 2
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 1

Auction is closed! Congratulations to @Narif!


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