So, I just want to draw attention to the MS:Pebble ratio today. We saw a decrease on the FM after to June update earlier this month. It was about 10k-11kp:1MS for a bit, and I I’ve been watching it slowly increase. However, people kept saying it was 10kp:1MS for quite a while despite me not seeing anyone selling at this rate. Well, at the time of this, there isn’t a single listing under 15kp:1MS on the FM. I bought a set of 10 shards for 12.7kp, but that was the last and only one. (People seem to also think others are going to buy shards for more than MS go for, but that’s another laughing matter.)
My point being is that it did not take long for everyone to compensate for the new “Pebble Sinks” since the start of June. A couple of new familiars is only a one time purchase in the long run and not substantial as a long term solution.