@Meria maybe not Its like 11PM here
@Yekaa it’s 11:44PM at where I live, do we have the same time zone??? :0
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@Moonlight Maybe 👀
@YekaaIm at morning here
@Yekaa 👀 go to sleep then, it’s almost 12-
@MoonlightI can stay up the whole night :) actuallySince still have to check on somethings
@Yekaa I’m beginning to question if you even have a good sleep schedule 😂. Aight, imma go get some shut eye, good night. (I swear if a volmyr was born while I was asleep, I’m going to have so many regrets) :]
@MoonlightThey won't born this night next time :3(why they born this late all because i having free time at night)
(I shall now s l e e p)
Tomorrow will have 1-2 bracchus born :)And some other pups