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[Hunting] Manual reroll results in same quests


This report is unrelated to my report from a few days ago about the automatic daily free reroll not happening. This report is about the manual, paid rerolls of which 5 are availalbe at increasing prices daily.

There are quite a few quests that I can't do, due to them requiring very specific or even impossible combinations of synergies (and my luck is horrible, so anything but 100% success rate relatively often results in failure for me). Not willing to waste my resources on failed hunts, I generally wait until there's a bunch I can't do and then pay for the reroll. However, I pretty much all the time roll at least a couple of the same quests that were already there.

Just now I had:

Watch your Back

Grumpy Stalker

lv10 treasure chest Darkspine

Patience is key

Troubled Tortoise

I paid for the reroll and got:

Watch your Back

Grumpy Stalker

lv10 treasure chest Darkspine

Dangerous Knowledge

Toads, toads and more toads

3 of the 5 quests I tried to reroll were exactly the same. Again this is not a single instance of this happening. 9 out of 10 times that I reroll there are at least 2 or 3 of the same quests popping up. I think since the game aired I've only had it happen once that I rolled all new hunts. All other times there were doubles. Considering the fact I am paying for these rerolls and there are only a limited amount of rerolls available per day (and there are so many hunts that are impossible to do, so I need/want to reroll quite often!), it should not be possible to roll a quest that was already listed! If this is not a bug but (for some reason) an intended feature, I hereby suggest that it be made impossible. (Even beter would ofcourse be what I mentioned in my professions suggestion - that all quests availalbe at you level are available to choose from, but based on purchased and otherwise unlocked slots there is a limit on how many hunts you can do simultaneously)


1 year ago
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Thank you for the report. The Bug Index has been updated to include this issue.


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