I discovered today that Korvo's account has no friends added:
While the other spirit wolves have each other added:
I found this hilarious and wanted to share xD
CA Artist // Vampire Nerd // LW - 4Rose-Themed Puppery
🐞The Ladybug Garden🐞G2 Bracchus Pups
Aw poor Korvo :c
[LF] // wish list in bio
please dont ping me on my own posts!
This post is how I find out
1. They have accounts [not surprised really I probably should have checked]
2. They all have another wolf [the other progen I'd assume?] Do those wolves exist in the lore?
3. All of them and their buddy wolves are lupins.
Forever alone
I didnt even know there were wolf Gods XD
Korvo not having friends is understandable, since he did try to kill his siblings. Granted, he was under the influence of Chaos, but still...
korvo has One friend......me