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1 year ago
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What are the best companions?

Hello, I've seen a lot on how kits and jocols work best paired with furmus but i was wondering what other companions are best with other breeds as well?

I've been mainly winging it or slapping a cactonis or colpach on each woof i want to train lol so im genuinely curious what census says!


1 year ago
The Tryhard
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It depends on what you're wanting to do with the wolf and companion. If you're wanting to grind for money, Isegard's guide suggests 2 furmus + 2 kits for Goldsea 4 (or furmurs + kickstarter krane + 2 kits if you have a krane), or two canictonis + kit + jocol for Icerun 4.

Personally, I like to attach a radiant kuzma to any wolf that I want to level, but haven't gotten around to grinding the campaign for levels just yet. This includes puppies. Kuzma grant XP when played with, and the radiant version can be played with each hour. If I'm diligent, I can get a puppy to level 7-8 by the time they grow up. The kuzma are also decent in Icerun 3 against the lapistrix, because they do a lot of damage and can defeat the lapixstrix before their intersect comes into play.

My personal favorite companion to use is the canictonis for their incredible poison. Fun fact, in Early Access, there was a bug that made it so poison, bleed, and healing effects didn't drop off when they should, and would just stack infinitely. Canictonis, and any poison-dealing companion, was beyond OP. I used them judiciously in campaign, gauntlet, and arena. So I still have some warm feelings towards them from that time, even though the bug has since been squashed.

1 year ago
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@Delotha I was asking for campaign (like good matchups between the wolf and 1 familiar ^^) but I agree i like the canictonis' poison a lot and its what ive been defaulting to for leveling! Which usually takes me about 2-3 days at most

If I'm not leveling a wolf through campaign though i tend to use the kuzma or other xp familiars as well as hunting (a level 25 hunt with a low level woof slapped on grants a TON of XP it's slower sure but works)


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