@officiallytox You do get paid! The currency is sent to you in a notification whenever somebody buys your apparel. The MS that goes back into the site is purely in the form of the CAT you need to spend to stock an item.
@Mew @ABird Thank you both! That gives me more incentive to look into making some. I assume you can keep some of them? Is that how preorders work? You keep back a couple of them and then give them to the people who pre-ordered?
Yeah! You just take the ms upfront and select to keep however many of the 5 you can make per CAT so you can send them out when approved! If you have any let over, you can put those in the market during the selection.
“I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.” ― Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks