There's a 1 in 512 chance of this happening, so you've had a pretty unique outcome. But it's important to keep in mind that the gender flip doesn't keep track of the pups you had before. So the first litter being all male doesn't matter, every new pup is a new 50/50 flip.
Ordinarily computers derive the 'seed' for rng from your computer's clock [and that's the default for programming unless they're using more advanced tools] so if you are Really having issues with that, perhaps if you have a routine that ends up with you clicking the next button at similar times, it may impact that a tiny bit
That's the same reason that chances of very similar siblings are slightly inflated on petsites, since they're all generated at the same time and therefore with the same or similar seed
So worst case if you are really hurting for fem wolves, maybe it's worth to try to make your wolf give birth at a somewhat different time
this will, of course, not guarantee a change, just give it a different seed for the 50/50 coin toss
@Cyfrin Your progenitors are the first two wolves you got, that you got to create yourself. Progen pups (where progen is short for progenitor) are pups from your first two wolves.
Thanks! So do people look for progen pups because they have a short gen line? Or is there another reason? Sorry for asking a lot of questions I just started a few weeks ago. Thanks again!