Q: What is a snipe guard?
A: A snipe guard is a protection to prevent someone from swooping in last minute to get a bid in and win the auction under everyone's noses. If someone bids during the last hour of the auction, it will extend the auction by the auctioneer's specified amount of time (which in this case, is another hour) from when the bid is placed. A recurring snipe guard is a protection that will always occur for any and all bids made in the last hour, and is not triggered just once.
Q: What is a proxy-bidder?
A: A proxy-bidder is someone who bids for you if you can't for whatever reason during the auction. At the end of the auction, if your proxy-bidder wins, you will be the one to receive the wolf given that you can also provide the funds/items from your winning bid.
Q: What is a minimum increase?
A: This is the lowest you can increase your bid by. For example, if the current bid is 100 ms and the minimum increase is 50 ms, the lowest you can bid to one-up the current bid is 150 ms. This is because some auctioneers frown upon bidding up only by a few or so of that currency (i,e bidding 101 ms, then 102 ms, and so on) as it's a bit spammy and can annoy some bidders and auctioneers. However, some of them do not have a minimum increase as they trust the bidders to not do this.
Q: What is an SB?
A: An SB or Starting Bid is the first bid someone can take, or the minimum that someone can bid if no one else has bid yet. For example, if the starting bid is 100ms and no one else has bid yet, the minimum that someone can bid is 100ms. Typically, to claim the starting bid, someone will just say "SB" in their post. After that, bidders will have to one-up that person's bid and can no longer claim the SB.
Q: What is a CB?
A: A CB or Current Bid is the highest bidder at the time of the auctioneer checking their thread. At the end of the auction, whoever has the current bid will win the wolf. This is the bid you have to one-up if you want to win the wolf when the auction ends.
Q: What is an LDP?
A: LDPs or Last Day Pings are pings people may ask for if they want to be pinged for the last 24 hours of the auction. This is so spectators can watch the auction conclude or people who need time to gather funds beforehand can be reminded when they have the last chance to start bidding.
If there's a term you're confused by that is not on this list, feel free to ask!