of course sending her over right away
Is Peach still available? c: Or Lagoon if not!
(First time pinging someone and the preview isn't showing it linking your name like other sites do so please tell me if I've done it wrong!)
peach is available. Will send her over
Could I get Carob? I would love more action economy and she's gorgeous.
of course I will lvl up her and send her over to you asap
hi,can I get navi fig 9758,I am absolutely inlove with her colors
Of course let me finish lvl up another wolf and I will get onto lvl up her right away
Okay,thank you alot!
Wow! This is so nice of you! I just started yesterday so a leveled wolf would be huge! :)
Is Auburn (#99435) still available? He's so pretty.
He is I will probably finish lvl up him tomorrow when I wake up and send him to you