@divine I do have a pair that’s more colored, but this is my only remaining pup from them atm! They will be breeding again but they’re still on cooldown https://www.lorwolf.com/Play/WolfDetails?id=60983
if you don't get a pup from this litter i'd be interested in seeing what those two pop out next! for now, let me know when your greyscale lady has her litter! unless the pups are autobought i'll be taking offers for a while :3
Oh man there they are! Unfortunately I'm short on MS at the moment and the only trade potentials I have are G2 Lupins from my progens and I don't think they stack up to a G2 bracc, but I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring just in case you fancy some spooky red wolves. Currently I have this lad here and this lass here. I will have to save up for the next batch otherwise but no worries if they're not to your taste!
Could I be added to the pinglist, please? Love these colors and might be back for the zerda if they haven't been picked up in a couple days or something. I will have mixed G2xG3 maybe-bracchus pups tomorrow, and feel free to look through my sales tab if anything interests you as partial.
hello!! those pups are super cute but i'm not into lupins, regardless i hope they find a great home! thank you for your continued interest, i'd like to get a pup to everyone who wants one eventually :3
added! thank you for your interest! i'll be looking forward to seeing the litter c:
at first glance the bracchus pups did, but i think their colors just don't mesh with me as much as i wanted them to :( i'll add you do the list for the next litter, tysm for the interest in these two!
hello! if you don’t get any other offers that suit your tastes for the zerda, I’d love to offer up Airie for a trade! I think she’s in my sales den, I’m sick atm but she’s so cute I had to rush here!!
hello!! Im absolutely interestes in a swap if no other offers for the zerda come around in the next day or so. ideally i'd like to give it ~30 hours, but i dont wanna keep you waiting too long, definitely on my list 💖