Purchasing them isn't an option as I have no income, and art is barely selling. I see some things give moonstone shards, but I don't know what's the best way to farm them.
There's no "best way" I don't think - all professions have a chance to drop shards (mining in the form of "moonstone ore", others as random drops just performing the normal profession tasks), you can get them as a reward in the gauntlet. I do not believe any drop in campaign.
but! You can grind out pebbles by completing activities or selling trinkets from your inventory and then buying MS off of the flea market (or selling your pebbles for MS) - essentially trading currency with other players
@Fieryblood Thanks. I don't have a whole lot of pebbles, completing activities is a really slow way to go about it, but it sounds like I'll have to find a better way to grind those, too.
I've found cooking tends to give me a reasonable amount of shards. That said you have to grind fishing and campaign to keep your food storage up. There really isn't a "best way" and until achievements are added it will be a slow grind.
If you're struggling with pebbles I suggest The black hills (sword 2 of icerun) for the lapistrix its not taking down bosses but they drop trinkets, fish, and candles aswell as pumpkins. I have around 700k of random sell items in my inventory for about a weeks worth of grinding.
I hope this was helpful in some way. If you need any help or have anymore questions feel free to DM me. I am always happy to try and be of assistance.
i have a suggestion on pebble making for a more casual player; jack-o-lanterns. they dont take much grinding to get the ingredients at all, and they sell for 400 pebbles each, more than blue goldstone. 20 is 8,000. if you have the recipe it might do wonders alongside other currency grinds.
you can then save up that money to buy the moonstones! also, ive seen cheap moonstones late at night, when barely anyone is online. ive bought some for 10k last night.
Grind Campaign, then sell whatever stacks of 99 food or material items you have for 1 moonstone each. It's what I do and it's pretty effective, and pretty fast to get stacks of 99 raspberries, mushrooms, moths, isopods, etc. in the early areas.
@TheEnforcer I go through all that food faster than I can stack it up and sell it, so I don't know if that option will work for me. I'm thinking of selling my knucklebones for moonstones since I don't care about wild wolves.
@Eralune you can “sell to vendor” for the amount listed in the tooltip by going to your inventory. There’s the “sell to vendor” button at the top and then you can select how much of each you want to sell, then scroll back up to click the sell button again to confirm! Trinkets are worth the most pebbles, and candles are also pretty decent!
You can also try to sell some of them on the flea market; some of the trinkets are used for high level hunting quests (I think there are some guides if you look through the forums about which ones to keep)