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1 year ago
The Independent
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I'm no economist myself but I did study micro-economy and macro-economy at university fairly recently and I can tell you that pet sites economy really do look like what I studied so far. It's never wrong to consult an economist. Maybe not HIRE one for the long run but at least to consult one for professional advises.

I've seen many comments say that the site is still young and that we have to wait... and although the theory of the "invisible hand" in economy (by Adam Smith) where time fixes many issues is quite a charming one, but it's now that is easier to act to help the economy stabilizes since there aren't many things set in stone yet.
Let's take a metaphor to prove my point: Imagine you have a deviated nose cartilage as a child. You're advised to just push it from times to times during the day as a child to make it slowly go back or be less obvious (and so it wouldn't procure any future problems). You decide to ignore it since it's not that big of a deal and with time it'll be less obvious anyways since your nose will grow and hide the cartilage more. But when you're an adult you have breathing problems due to that and now the doctors tell you that the only way to fix it is with an operation.

TL;DR: it's important to have a professional advise when things first start out since it's easier to act at this stage than to wait and hope things get better.

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