A lot of the problems around pet site economies do stem from it being fundamentally different from real life economies. Though it does mirror real life issues, such as inflation. These things snowball even faster on pet sites because pet sites have an ever expanding currency base. The more players join, the more currency enters the economy; the more currency that the site creates out of the ether as rewards, the more currency enters the economy. Much of the time, pets also enter into the economic ecosystem at a much higher rate than they can leave the ecosystem. The more pets there are, the less each pet is worth. The more currency there is, the less the currency is worth.
Additionally, there's the perceived value of pets and the currency to the players. Many of the complaints around moonstones exist because users have perceived their value to be significantly higher than other pet site premium currencies as well as much much higher than pebbles; mostly because moonstones are used for quite a few gameplay areas rather than only cosmetics. Pets are also struggling to have a value, from what I can see at least.
A big part of successful pet site economies is balancing all of these values. If there's currency entering the economy then there has to be an equal way for that currency to leave the economy, else the currency's value decreases very quickly. Premium currency usage must be balanced in a similar way while also ensuring that you do not alienate F2P players as well as giving it enough perceived value to encourage purchase. Pets have to be similarly balanced to currency; if a pet enters the ecosystem then there must be an equal way to remove a pet from the ecosystem so that the market will not be flooded.
Things like FR's exalting, pet death mechanics, and currency sinks, are all useful to a successful pet site economy. Conversely, Lorwolf doesn't have any equivalent to exalting and pet death other than releasing. Releasing is hardly encouraged, however, because it's rewards are so minimal. Exalting works because it gives rewards. Another site I'm on, called Sylestia, doesn't give rewards for individual releases but does have frequent "release contests" where players are rewarded individually for releasing the most pets. Pet death works because it's not even a choice for the player (outside of premium items that grant immortality).
Lorwolf does have some regular currency sinks, mostly in the form of mole market items, but the issue here is that you have to ensure that you cover all types of players with your currency sinks. Mole Market items mostly target collectors, personally I haven't spent much at the Mole Market because I don't care about collecting all the companions or anything similar. It also has the issue of having a limited supply, eventually players will run out of new mole market items and begin just stockpiling pebbles that they'll use immediately when a new item drops. You can't just target one player demographic with your sinks, you have to cover them all and you have to make sure they have longevity.
Personally, I think there's a lot of basic economy issues with Lorwolf that probably should have been considered way way back in the first game design planning. Pet site economies aren't a new discussion, there's a lot of examples of what does and does not work out there. It surprises me when new pet sites don't seem to consider the issue from the very beginning.
Obviously though, a brand new pet site will always need some time to balance itself out. However I would be surprised if these issues didn't appear during the beta/early access testing. And many of these issues will not be something that balances in time without significant changes.