Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 year ago

i think my rainbow pride pup Mipy fits the entry theme pretty well! :3c

1 year ago

I believe Captain here fits!

Captain is a She/They, Nonbinary Lesbian


Reokyu ⋆☾·̩͙⋆‪ 21+ ⋆☾·̩͙⋆‪ AceAro

🐉Flight Rising🐉

"Till All Are One"

1 year ago

Helloo, my entry is my little trans flag coloured girl. She's one of my favourites I have AND she was a WW!

I didn't get chance to come out myself when I was growing up but I have been out for 10 years now and taking hormones since October 2021!

It's been a wild ride but I'm now starting to notice changes as of the end of last year/start of this year.

I have a partner that is also part of the LGBT community and I plan on visiting him at the end of this year for his birthday, I'm super excited.

1 year ago

for today's entry, i'll show off another pride pup, Funset! :3c

i've been out as non-binary for more than 10 years, but i've only been out as a lesbian for about 3 1/2 years! i first started realizing and coming out (again lol) as a lesbian in early 2020.

1 year ago
The Haggler
408 Achievements
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Sandswept has swept in to help bump this up :)


I am also a Holibomber- but cant put that in my siggy pic too!

1 year ago

Awww, this is so sweet! I'll draw something and put it here when I'm done! In the meantime, enjoy this little pan pride pup that I bred today! I'm obsessed with her already!

Also, yes, I named her Pancake because of pan pride. I'm pan so she was such a lovely surprise!


Hiya! Crimson here! Just your local pixel wolf collector!

✨⭐Any Pronouns | Lesbian | Asexual⭐✨

[Crimson's Wolf Giveaway!]

1 year ago

Thank you for holding this giveaway! My pride post is my IRL doggo, Nova, resting up after having trotted in a Pride Parade.

1 year ago

A poem since writing is more my art speed :'D

Romance as Defined by an Aro: A Poem

Romance for me is only what it is not;

it is the opposite of an absence of feeling in my chest,

it is clouds full of quiet, cool rain that wash over

the blue skies that normally soar through me.

If romance is that perfect temperature

at which you neither feel hot nor cold

I only know it when it has passed,

when a cool breeze ruffles me and pops gooseflesh

on my arms: but here's the thing:

as someone always overheated,

cold is a comfortable state for me.

I think so many would look at how I define romance:

emptiness, black instead of color, cold, rain -

and see something sad and bleak,

where I see only comfort and coziness.

I've always turned my face to the rain and smiled,

found cold refreshing and energizing,

found black soothing in the face of overstimulation -

emptiness is not an apartment where I have to work around

the walls all in my way,

but a place I can build my own home

in a shape that suits me.

I know romance when it visits

a guest in my anarchic home,

for the familiar and dear sight

of its otherwise empty chair.

I am faceblind to it,

but I know where it sits,

and so recognize it when by choice I invite it in.

They say if you love something set it free,

my romance is not chained to me

but wanders far and wide,

a free spirit like me.

Were it one day to never return,

that would not be a failed relationship,

but one I would cherish having had.

Not a commitment; a choice.

I am a strange aro

half-in, half-out,

with romance a rare visitor,

but one that has come inside.

I know it by its absence,

a set of shoes not by the door,

a toothbrush missing from my sink,

a coat they take from the hook to keep them warm.

My relationship with romance

is anything but amatonormativity.

And its familiar absence

is dear to me.


1 year ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
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bump :)

1 year ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
399 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
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Forum Comments: 541
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Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3
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