I immediately messed up when creating my second wolf by accidentally randomizing its markings before hitting the save button... Since I didn't really do anything else, I'd love if I could just straight up nuke everything and restart.
I immediately messed up when creating my second wolf by accidentally randomizing its markings before hitting the save button... Since I didn't really do anything else, I'd love if I could just straight up nuke everything and restart.
@trashgaylie aw man, I'm sorry your progen didn't turn out how you planned! I don't know of any way to restart your account, but if it's just the markings that are wrong, I'd be happy to spot you the pebbles for some pattern change items in the Mole Market. You should absolutely be able to play with the starter wolves you wanted to design!
Under the ToS it states: "Users of our services are allowed one account only. Sharing of this account with others is not allowed. Users may not create additional “side” accounts for any reason. Attempting to circumvent an account suspension/termination by creating a new account is not allowed. User accounts may not be sold, traded, or gifted to another user."
Going by this, I don't think you can, unfortunately. I'm so sorry that happened! :( Markings can always be changed, so it's not something you have to be stuck with if you don't want to be! In the Mole Market, you can purchase items to change markings under the "Pattern Changes" section. If the colors were also randomized, you can always use a Besprinkler to randomize the colors again until you get something you like more!
@trashgaylie GAYLIE HI HELLO
yes you can probably do that
edit: nevermind. i can give you a puppy though O':
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personally i really think petsites like lorwolf, wolvden, flightrising should have "reset" buttons, especially since they have a 1 account only rule. a reset should delete your wolves, delete everything, let you maybe even choose a new name. but for some reason none of them have it lol
wahaha, thank you all so much for the responses! i didnt think deleting & making a new account would fit under the ToS line Mew mentioned, but I guess it might!
either way, if i can change markings later on, then alls good! i think i'll manage to get the stuff needed to do that!! didn't know that was an option X)
I disagree petsites should have a reset button since if someone hate you enough and manage to hack your account they can just nuke it or someone accidentally nuke their own account. Definitely not something I would want to be exist in a petsite
@trashgaylie Aww! That stinks!I'm so sorry :l.
Brachus Interest check/ presale :) Red, pink, blue, purple, maroon, etc
(parents of above brachus pups...)
Hi! My name is Lydia, feel free to friend me or just chat :) I love to talk!
@Chickadee thank you! it was bad luck DX happens
Yeah, :(. For what it's worth I think they are still cute :/
Brachus Interest check/ presale :) Red, pink, blue, purple, maroon, etc
(parents of above brachus pups...)
Hi! My name is Lydia, feel free to friend me or just chat :) I love to talk!
Your Progens are absolutely cute! I;d love to trade Progen pups, if you don't mind reddish orangy colors.
You can change markings, if that helps any? Might take a bit to save up for them, but the starter genes are like 25k and never rotate from the molemart.
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