hailing from the beautiful Black Hills, this bad boy is looking to join a pack that can handle his edge... for a price of course ;3
Peyton #58332Breed: LupinSex: Male Birthday: 06/03/2023 Eyes: Sky |
Current Bid: a whole bunch of stuff just see the last post, auction ended anyway wahoo! (~14,800 MS total) by Zelda
Starting Bid: 1 Bracchus Scroll (4,500 MS at time of posting), since someone previously offered one
Min Increase: 10 MS
Snipe Guard: 1 hour, recurring
End Date: Sunday, June 11 at 8:00 PM ET (0:00 AM LWT)
Alpha, Beta, KS items accepted at lowest Flea Market value at the time of bid (please include the full worth of the bid in MS)
ping both me @Arcy and the person you're outbidding
I'll hold the wolf up to 2 weeks - please make sure you have or can come up with the funds in that time :-)
Last Day Pings:
~Rai ~Baikal