Yeah, same hat.
Someone is auctioning off a triple for me, but there's no interest at all. (Granted, the other two colours are rough, but I'd expect at least some attention, at the very least for breeding projects or something, idk.) I'm also having trouble selling doubles or just matchy WWs, even my fodder on the FM doesn't sell. I have a den full of wolves and i'm not getting rid of any of them, for fodder prices, MS, pebbles, FR currency, items, art, anything.
At this point I have no fun grinding campaign for new WWs anymore (something I used to do a lot), because all I'll end up with is another mouth to feed. I also have no incentive to release the unwanted ones, because the pebble or one-ticket-a-day rewards are really low, IMO. And spending MS to expand my den/cooking slots/what have you is immediately blocked by the fact that whatever MS I have now is my spending money, I won't be able to make more.
so tl;dr, yeah it's...... rough right now.