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1 year ago
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Advertising Reporting Thread

As requested in the suggestion forums, we have put together an Advertising Report Megathread to compile all inappropriate Ad reports in one place.

Lorwolf uses advertisements to help support the site financially. We aim to maintain a safe and pleasant browsing experience for all Lorfolk. Unfortunately, inappropriate ads sometimes make it through our filters and disrupt players' experiences. By using the Report Form below, players can tremendously help our support team by cutting down the time it takes to find and disable these ads.

What classes as an inappropriate Ad?

  • Any content that is considered to be inappropriate, obscene, defamatory, pornographic, vulgar, fraudulent, misleading, violent, gambling or “NSFW”.
  • Content with polarizing topics such as religion, politics, current events, or other divisive subjects.
  • Soliciting users for donations, charities, or crowd-funding campaigns.
  • Ads that redirect players to another site without clicking the advertisement.
  • Ads that pop up without users clicking on them
  • Ads that take over the fullscreen or outside its designated area.
  • Videos or sounds that autoplay

Report Form:

Please use the following form when posting in this thread.

Company/Brand Name:
Browser Used:
Operating System:
Reason For Report:

Thank you for taking the time to fill out a report and helping to keep Lorwolf a safer place.

Please note: There may be advertisement reports that we are unable to remove. These advertisements may be targeted and will be based on your personal browsing history. In some cases, malware may also be installed on your device.


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1 year ago

Company/Brand Name: Renta! An online manga store

Browser Used: Chrome

Operating System: Android

Reason For Report: The site itself is technically perfectly fine however some of their ads are for 'adult material'. I was unsure if this was something from my end or if this is something LW needed to know about so I decided to report. The ads themselves aren't showing anything indecent but are advertising adult material that isn't suitable for the game's age rating as it's explicit.

Like I said, this could just be because I read comics and manga but I wasnt sure where exactly it was coming from and thought better play it safe.

1 year ago
The Lurking
🇮🇹 She/her, INFP
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Company/Brand Name: Toomics, another online webcomic store I believe.

Browser Used: Chrome

Operating System: Android

Reason For Report: It's a situation similar to the above with Renta. The ads aren't showing anything explicit, but they are still allusive images (a close up of a girl with just her bra on or really lightly dressed anyway and the text "It's much bigger than what you think!" for example). They also are in spanish for some reason, which is strange since I don't really read or search stuff in spanish (while I do read comics and research in english and italian).

1 year ago
The Playful
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Company/Brand Name: Hobby Japan/ Queen's Blade Limit Break (an online game or something similar)
Browser Used: Chrome
Operating System: Android mobile
Reason For Report:

There is one benign ad for this that says 'play the game to break limits' but two of the ads show characters in inappropriately lewd and suggestive poses.

The Text in these just says 'QUEEN'S BLADE' and the image is contained within the letters, censoring anything considered outright 'explicit' but I still feel they were worth reporting. One pose has the characters chest exposed as they're lying on the floor in a contorted position, where their legs are on either side of their face. The other ad has a character doubled back in a similar position so you can see their feet and face next to eachother.

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