@sparx that's fair and valid. I just prefer people be able to discuss their opinions without them being overly emotionally charged. I wasn't directing my statement at one side or the other- I just don't want anyone getting overly heated and saying something that might get them into hot water.
It's also extremely hard to read tone over text format so a lot on both sides have seemed to be trying to push the other side. I understand the frustration on both sides- the doomsday talk is a bit much and a downer and the staff does deserve to be respected with complaints and concerns but it has felt a lot of members concerns are being invalidated which can cause people to either feel they aren't valid or feel they need to push back.
It just might be me coming from Games with overly toxic communities but I just want everyone to get along lol. I know it's unrealistic but I just don't want anyone losing their heads.