I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask this or not but I'm really curious what you guys are personally interested in. I voted mini-game! Professions are fun but I enjoy having actual games to play within petsites. I
I voted for puppy apparel. I find this to be the biggest lacking thing in FR for permababies and I would love to see that fixed here.
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a level 10 wolf for FREE! Just PM me or check this thread: https://www.lorwolf.com/Forum/View?id=10869
I voted mini-game as I feel we need another interactive thing to do on the site. I hope puppy apparel is last, as someone who can't afford to even dress adult wolves.
No hate to the puppy apparel people (as a custom apparel maker myself, I see the appeal), but I feel like it's just another opportunity for the site to not advance any further. It's less work on their part and wouldn't make as big of an impact in my opinion. It's not that I don't want it at all, I just don't want it to be its own update over something big like new professions or a mini-game.
Minigame. Whatever it is — it's something to actively do onsite, which is always good. Permababy apparel doesn't concern me; and more professions don't feel useful either given that the site is still very young and itemless. But maybe that's just me — I find timer-based activities mind-numbingly boring, so I need to be able to look forward to some cool rewards if I'm gonna do it.