Hi! I am new to Lorwolf, and I really am very confused as to how this works?
the few things i got so far:
So I see that there are basically activities I can do?
I assume that Campaign and Gauntlet (the PVE) is where I can grind for loot?
The Hunting feature is for food and wild wolves (gen1 wolves kind of?)
Bracchus is the kickstarter breed so you dont get gen1s really, unless you paid?
Also there are four packs, each from one of four different regions? No idea what the middle region on the map is all about
What is exploring for?
And how do I mine? Apparently I need a pickaxe and wheel, but I can't figure out where to buy them! Do I have to craft them, and if so, how do I craft things?
sorry for all the questions, i am just so lost right now