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1 year ago
I'm new, can someone please help me out a bit? I am really confused

Hi! I am new to Lorwolf, and I really am very confused as to how this works?

the few things i got so far:

So I see that there are basically activities I can do?
I assume that Campaign and Gauntlet (the PVE) is where I can grind for loot?

The Hunting feature is for food and wild wolves (gen1 wolves kind of?)

Bracchus is the kickstarter breed so you dont get gen1s really, unless you paid?

Also there are four packs, each from one of four different regions? No idea what the middle region on the map is all about

What is exploring for?

And how do I mine? Apparently I need a pickaxe and wheel, but I can't figure out where to buy them! Do I have to craft them, and if so, how do I craft things?

sorry for all the questions, i am just so lost right now

1 year ago
corn farmer
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@Flatbooty (…what a username)

⚠ you have alerted the horde

well, time to answer your questions lmao

- campaign is where you grind for loot, yes! gauntlet isn't that good, since they eat so much stamina (and you cant get far with low level wolves)

- no, hunting is not for food and wild wolves. you can get food from campaign (battling enemies), fishing (fish up fish!) and farming

- bracchuses (bracchi?) are now unobtainable. if you played flightrising, it's like the imperial breed. you cant really get em anymore, unless it's from breeding or you somehow got a breed change and changed one of your wolves

- the middle region is about… lore. check em out here. it should open up in further chapters, we only have chapter 1 right now!

- short version, exploring is doing campaign. get food and materials there. make money off trinkets

- you dont need a pickaxe nor a wheel to mine. your wolf will just be slow, that's all.

(i cant believe i took like 10 minutes to type this out… might've missed a few questions, check below!)


this your pack?
1 year ago
The Exhausted
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Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 4


I was beaten to some of the questions, but crafting is under the play dropdown c: You can craft the wheels and pickaxes, the copper pickaxe/wheel recipes are automatically on your account. Since you need the copper to craft them, you need to either buy the copper bars from the flea market, or go to the mines and get some :D

Oh, and hunting can be utilized to get wild wolves. The encounter in the campaign, which is the main source of getting g1/wild wolves, drops a knucklebone token each time you fail, and you can gather 50 to get a guaranteed wolf, which will show up as a special thing in hunting!


As the stars appear, I know I'll find you staring at the sky
Pointlessly reaching for some light you hope to guide your sorry way

Lore Thread . Free Assets Thread . LW Tumblr (links coming soon)

1 year ago

@monarch @Stellori

Thanks, this helps me a lot! :D

And yes I have fr, same username as here! Which I spend way too much time on…

I'm gonna begin campaign later today then!! And mining now :)

a final question for now: how do I get these elusive moonstones?

1 year ago
The Exhausted
464 Achievements
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Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 4


You can buy moonstones for real money, sell items on the flea market for moonstones, or, through the professions (and gauntlet occasionally, and also for each day you vote in the pageant) you can get moonstone shards. 10 of those = one moonstone, and once you have the 10 (and some bone paste, another recipe you'll have), you can craft it; like with the copper pickaxe/wheel recipes, you already have the recipe applied to your account.

I think there's a limit to how many shards you can get a day from the professions, but I am not sure of the number rn.


As the stars appear, I know I'll find you staring at the sky
Pointlessly reaching for some light you hope to guide your sorry way

Lore Thread . Free Assets Thread . LW Tumblr (links coming soon)

1 year ago

Okay, thanks!! that tells me everything i wanna know :)

1 year ago
195 Achievements
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General Rank 3
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 2
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

25 Moonstone shards is the limit per day


If you have less than 5 level 10 wolves on your account, I will give you a level 10 wolf for FREE! Just PM me or check this thread:

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