Judging this site's start compared to others doesn't feel right to me, because the climate has changed since FR's start, and DW is a completely different demopgraphic with other priorities in gameplay and monetization. I believe LW will be a great site in the future, but with a small and dedicated user base. The quality of the wolves' visuals will always rely on CA because most are very hard to look at, and fall in love with. I am sure many will stay in love with it, and the whales and dolphins will be very happy to invest in CA. I assume F2P players will stick around for some weeks and move on with the current event rotation feeling very unrewarding.
The latest roadmap looks very unappealing to me which is why I probably won't even stick around myself. Those are some big achievements for a gameplay loop that needs proper adjustments under a communication pipeline that is obviously flawed. The visuals are carrying the future of the site, but the gameplay definitely could as well, when done right.
I also want to point out that I have no clue why people are having a surpluss of pebbles. The pride release is completely unaffordable to me as someone playing dayil for around half an hour. Am I the only one who tried to stock up on those recipes? I never came close to 200k.
Anyway, ramblings aside, I hope it does well, but with the current vibe I am not too hopeful. Maybe I will find myself getting inspired on here, but the site feels, generally-speaking, off to me.