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1 year ago

In addition, I need to mention a problem that someone bought one of my CA's at the very beginning. I used a very personal drawing method to make some lines, and I marked some lines with red pixels. (I use tricks like this to add a little emotionality to my paintings)

I remember the man who was very polite. The customer sent me a private message asking what the red pixels were. I know he was probably really disappointed! I explained to him that it was my personal style.

I was prepared to be asked for a refund, but the customer didn't.

I can quite understand this feeling, but I mention it just to make one thing clear. The techniques I used to make that CA were not intentional, but my client didn't like it. This means that the red pixels are fine for me or my friends, but they are a problem for my good boss.

At that time, I replied to the boss, I understand you, we all need a fitting system.

That's what I'm trying to say, sometimes what looks like a problem to you doesn't look like a problem to someone else. Because we can't all share a head, trying on and non-artist selling CA is essential if we want to respect both the artist and the buyer.

These things can be solved perfectly, can't they? Rather than the need to limit or harm any one of these groups, which is very unfriendly. I don't want people to misunderstand other people because of problems that can be solved by new features.

1 year ago


I haven't been asked to rework CAs for this question so I cannot give a clear reply immediately. I could ask those artists who met the question and ask for their permission to give out the rejected designs' images.

However, I think we have an issue: Shouldn't a rule-making official lead by example? This is not a question that could be lined by the visibility as well as the zooming time amount. This is a matter of principle that rule-makers should take the lead in following.

In our culture, the ones (no matter a person or a party or etc.) who make rules and have the power to ask others obey the rules should be more strict with themselves. The concrete manifestation is the ability to accept the corresponding aspects of the rule from the rule follower of the supervision and correction, instead of judging alone.

And from a view of user, isn't it ridiculous to be ask for making their images having a detail completion and meet every strict rules that even making their images enough to reach commercial standards which our offical templates should reach? It is obviously that what my friends were asked have a same level of commercial standard: I am an artist that have done these commissions and many of my friends as well, we are aware of the complexity of most Party As' standard.

Further more, all artist are paying CAT to submit, which means they are consumers instead of Party B. In fact, I already felt ridiculous at having to use these terminology to describe the problems we have met.

1 year ago

I am glad and grateful to many people who are willing to discuss this. To be honest, I am not considered an artist. I can only create my own works in a limited way. I was very happy at first because our audit standards were relatively relaxed at the beginning. I am not a native English speaker either, but I still overcame many difficulties because it was a game that attracted me very much......from the beginning.

I have many friends from the East who are artists who can create excellent works that bring great benefits to the game and players themselves. I don't want them to be treated unfairly. We pointed out the problem and conducted all the above discussions in order to ensure the long-term survival of this game. When our artists' efforts are not proportional to their gains, problems are not taken seriously, and they are truly disappointed, they will not come back. As players, they have many choices. They just left without leaving a word.

1 year ago
he/him, ae/aer
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Yeah, I completely agree. And it's also just, really, a big waste of time for the mods to have to go through and look for such tiny stray pixels on each piece of apparel that a user submits, on top of really unfair to the users to hold them to such extreme standards. I have to wonder how much faster the queue would be and how many people would be more willing to make apparel if it wasn't so strict. I definitely feel discouraged knowing anything I submit will be subject to such strict rules. I'm not really an artist at all, I just want to make cute hearts, but I don't want to wait weeks to have those cute hearts declined because of something I can't even see. I already know it's probably not good enough to pass but being held to a professional standard really makes me want to not even try.

I hope these templates get cleaned up (even if the problem is near-invisible on some art programs, it does seem amplified by others) and the mods decide to loosen up a little bit on the pixel-hunting. Especially considering I've seen things get approved with very clearly incorrect thumbnails...


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1 year ago


Im so happy to see people could agree with these points. As a person that one of the few people in our language area who willing to use a translator to express our points and ideas clumsily, when my point of view could be recognized, it means many of other voiceless users' points are admitted. Your kind reply means a lot to all of our communities, we would appreciate you sincerely!

1 year ago

Re: Stray pixels on Lorwolves

The site uses some sort of minimizing mechanic to resize images. Best guess; the layers are being rendered separately by the site. This is why you'll see some pixels on some lines and not others. It's really apparent in how sharp the shop keepers' images are that the site is doing the rendering. Not sure if this was just a style choice, or if it was the best way for the site to handle the large images in an effort to keep quality.

&& As to the harsh criticism on CA; a couple stray pixels here and there doesn't ruin the accessory, for me, at least. Though, if the site had intentions to closely moderate the CA, it would have been better for everyone using the CA system & process to have been informed about this ahead of time, rather than finding out afterwards. Without knowing this information up front, in some sort of 'rules' section, we're trying to hit a moving target and that's not fair to anyone.

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