One thing you cannot currently do in custom apparel is collaborations between 2+ people, which unfortunately shuts down a lot of cool ideas.
Ways this could be handled:
- Allow username or ID credit in the item description. This currently breaks one of lorwolf’s rules, but would be the easiest to implement.
- Allow an option to add IDs to credit. So for example a bar where you could input/delete IDs, which would add the artist’s credit to the end, so it would read Created by Artist1, Artist2, So forth. The submitter would hold control over the Custom Apparel's management, receive the profits, and be the first person listed.
There is, already, a preexisting precedent for this being done in a similar petsite with a larger playerbase, proving this to be achievable: Flight Rising.
This information can be confirmed at the following link:
Edit: Although Dappervolk's (Another website allowing similar artist creations) rules are less direct, they also allow collaborations. Flight rising is not an exception:
This information can be confirmed with an account here:
Allowing collaborations would allow for a more enjoyable CA-creating experience, and encourage community within lorwolf.