Attention: Farming Festival has begun!
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3 years ago
The Dogged
147 Achievements
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 1
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1
Kickstarter Stretch Goal Update - Colors and Fishing!

Happy Saturday everyone! We have some exciting updates to share with you all regarding our Kickstarter stretch goals:

We hit our 6th stretch goal of $20,000 a while back, which unlocked a special color wheel expansion that adds 41 new colors to the game! We have been hard at work carefully selecting these new colors and are very happy to announce that they are finally ready for preview:

These new colors will add some much needed variety to our ranges. You’ll notice that we retained some colors and names from the original wheel, but most of them have been updated to accommodate the new ranges. In addition, we added 1 extra color to solve the issue with which side of the color wheel our program chooses when breeding two wolves that are exactly halfway between each other on the color wheel. Now that we have an odd number, players can accurately predict which range of colors their puppies will inherit!

We did our best to incorporate all of the suggestions for colors we’ve gotten throughout Lorwolf’s development, so hopefully this updated wheel will satisfy most of those wishes. Please let us know if you have any other suggestions for improvement!

We have also been busy fleshing out one of the other stretch goals that was unlocked early on - Fishing! Fishing will be one of several mini-games that rewards large quantities of food. We plan on each Pack having their own unique series of fishing areas, ranging from a small pool of water to the ocean! Here’s a small demo of how fishing will look:

Players can send their wolves to catch fish and level up their skill. Fish and other valuable trinkets can be caught by quickly clicking on the animated ripples that appear. Fishing requires stamina, and going for too long in one area will deplete the number of available catches for a certain period of time!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this look at our progress on the Kickstarter stretch goals. There is still over a week left in our KS campaign and one final stretch goal to meet - Farming! Please let us know if you have any questions about these features! Moonsblessings, JimJim and Alaunis <3

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