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1 year ago
The Lurking
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I would actually disagree that the economy is broken- it's just new. I don't really think there is enough currency, both pebbles and MS/shards, floating around right now to make any calls about whether it's bad or not. You can't compare a less-than-one-month old economy to a nearly 10 year old one; FR has hundreds of thousands (millions?) of premium currency in play, and several times more of the free. Obviously that much wasn't bought/generated at once, but rather over a decade. As time passes and more pebbles/MS are introduced into the economy we will be able to see if things need adjusting. Remember when everyone was freaking out about how wolves are so unaffordable no one can play the site? That just needed time to fix, because a new site doesn't have much supply (be it wolves or currency) and demand is also very unusual (e.g. you aren't really selective of what your first several wolves look like, you just need more- as wolves become easier to get you become more selective as lack of space becomes the more pressing issue).

The reasons MS are so hard to get right now is because everyone is just starting out, everyone is trying to gene up, everyone is trying to expand. Several months (let alone several years) down the line that won't be the case, AND there will be more currency to go around. I just don't think it's wise to make huge economic decisions right now.

(I do think at least the first profession expansions should for pebbles though)

1 year ago
The Foodie
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I'm glad we have an official response. I look forward to the June update. Thanks Quiche!

@Blizzard You have a very valid point. I have played FR almost exclusively for almost 10 years, so I am probably spoiled to how things run there. I left other sites because I preferred how FR ran things.

That said, I am all for gradual releases, improvements, and modifying . It's just, in this particular instance, there are a few red flags that I have trouble ignoring over all. And the response right now has been quiet, so that worries me about where things are developing towards. I'd rather say something and be wrong, than say nothing and be right.


Have a blue and orange wolf? I might buy it!

Gen2 Bracchus Trading

Buying MS at 1:30kp 124/600

.. ..loading.. .. ..

1 year ago

I’ve updated the title of this thread as the original was misleading. Please make sure titles for threads accurately portray what is posted, especially in forums such as suggestions and bug reports.


Volunteer Moderator | they/them

1 year ago
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thank you @Fennelroot for the title update. I forgot to go back and edit the title once I finished my ramble ^^'

1 year ago
4 Achievements
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and thank you Quiche for the information!

1 year ago
The Restless
He/him - ID 2998
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Thank you for following up! You folks mostly get negative feedback so I just wanted to say: It's probably not very clear in my first post, but I'm actually not concerned. I think all of this is just growing pains and would hate to see the staff make any big, rash changes before having proper long-term data. The site isn't even a month into full release. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so I sure hope y'all are ready to be brave and take your time.

It feels awkward to give positive feedback so no one does, but I gotta. Personally I'm in love with the site and the only stuff that seriously bothers me is little UI issues that I trust will be fixed with time.


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