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1 year ago
The Foodie
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Another point against breed change prices, common breeds are 100kp. When you convert that, they cost about 5-7MS at 15kp-20kp per MS. Meanwhile, a Zerda converted to pebbles is 2,250,000 to 3,000,000. That is a HUGE jump for uncommon and rare breeds.

Also, while the purchase price of MS and Gems is about the same, you have more power with MS. The people who are buying MS are basically controlling the economy right now. I would also like to point out that when FR was freshly launched, you could buy 1 gem for like 100 treasure. There was less to buy for Gems as well and a lot of desirable things cost treasure. Once you catch up recipes and pebble familiars here, there isn't much to buy aside from den space. (And you can get just about every pebble familiar with Arena Tickets, so you don't HAVE to spend pebbles on that.)


Have a blue and orange wolf? I might buy it!

Gen2 Bracchus Trading

Buying MS at 1:30kp 124/600

.. ..loading.. .. ..

1 year ago
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I grind daily and I have enough moonstone shards to make 67 moonstones. I think I made one already so 68. That's not even enough for 3 moonstones/day.

And EVERYTHING costs moonstones except den expansions. Den tabs? Moonstones. Expanding mining cart? Moonstones. Expanding cooking pot? Moonstones. Apparel? 99% Moonstones. Most genes are moonstones.

Zerda are 150 MS for a scroll, but no one wants to buy them so you'll never ‘earn’ back your MS that you spent. Volmyr are more valuable but such low breeding results that you have to breed 2 of them together to get a good number of pups, which doubles your MS cost.

1 year ago
The Curious
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I just woke up so i don't have the energy to make a really long and thought out response, so i'm just gonna say that everyone here has a point. i'd like to bring up specifically how flightrising's existence means the game has a tertiary currency by default, thus creating artificial inflation from the get-go.
trading LW for FR? easy. but if you're trying to trade the opposite way? good luck. i'd like to express that i heavily dislike the idea of people using FR as a launching point for LW's economy-- offsite trading is fine, but LW's economy is so unstable and hasn't had the chance to grow on it's own away from FR. it's not the player's fault that it is this way, they're taking advantage of a broken system, which is fine. i've done it, but it's frustrating nonetheless and i'd love for the devs to respond to these concerns.


1 year ago
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I agree with pretty much everything said here- I have no idea why Zerda are a MS breed at all! The economy needs some serious reworking fast, MS being the only way to do anything or own anything of worth is a bad position to be in and the longer this goes on the harder it will be to fix if things are changed.

I will also add that I think Moonstone shards fail as a concept right now, since they're used for nothing but creating the actual worthwhile currency which you need a ton of to progress. It's a random extra step that just makes MS incredibly awkward. It might not be too bad if MS stuff wasn't basically everything.

1 year ago
The Star
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Fixing the economy is definitely needed, but I am not sure if the flat exchange rate is… quite it?

In MMO/Petsite economies inflation over time is unavoidable and somewhat fast compared to irl, and locking the premium currency exchange rate to the regular [which always depreciates faster no matter how good the economy is] may eventually devalue MS in lockstep with pebbles so much that players will be vastly discouraged from purchasing MS, which unfortunately has a Much Larger Impact on a site's longevity than its economy being enjoyable to engage in [i also dislike this fact but alas it's really expensive to run and actively develop a petsite]

Plus this will ultimately just be a bandaid to the more direct concerns people had as the real problem just is - the site really is hurting for money sinks that a more average player will engage with more often. [thank you Baroness for eating all the pebbles for eye besprinklers but one player is sadly not enough]

1 year ago
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@LouckyKoneko @SCB @Coop7011 @Fieryblood @Rabscuttle @Jinoga @Stellori @Mew @Cealygosa @Ezra @Mau @divine @Lai @Reanimagpie

Hi there, whilst this is stated to be a joke suggestion, I still wanted to pop by and say the Devs are aware of this growing concern with the economy, they are hoping to address some of these issues in the upcoming June Dev Update.

Apologies for any frustrations and disappointment caused by the current economy, but with user feedback the Devs hope to bring a brighter future one step at a time with the community.

(Sorry to anyone I double pinged from the other Economy thread!)


ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago
The Original
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Thank you for responding and letting us know! We appreciate you!


“I have no idea where this will lead us,
but I have a definite feeling it will be
a place both wonderful and strange.”
― Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks

1 year ago
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Thank you Quiche (won't ping ya again cause I know you get a lot of those)
I am hopeful for the June Dev update, I understand changes need to be done carefully, but they also need to be done before things spiral too much too, and soon enough where people are still invested and care.


If you have less than 5 level 10 wolves on your account, I will give you a level 10 wolf for FREE! Just PM me or check this thread:

1 year ago
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Thanks for the info Quiche! I don’t need to know everything all at once, but just knowing that its in staff’s view and they are looking helps more than I can say <3


Ping me! @Fieryblood

1 year ago
The Legion
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One of the things that just popped into my head was that maybe it would help if we could actually sell things on the Flea Market for shards as well. It would make the pieces of a moonstone more worthwhile as well, and give us just a tad more nuance in pricing things. For example something isn't quite worth 2 ms, but 1 ms is way too cheap. Right now we can't do anything other than choosing 1 or 2 ms. (I think because of this, trying to sell anything for ms is also impossible, because the jump in undercutting is absolutely massive!) Anyways, if we could sell stuff for shards, we'd have the entire range of 11 to 19 shards at our disposal to price our things at. (1ms and anywhere between 1 to 9 shards would be neat too, but I'm assuming that combining two currencies would be too difficult to code, but if it were possible, that'd be even better!)


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