Yep. You read that right.
Let us buy moonstones with our pebbles directly from the site at a consistent and official exchange rate (my suggestion would be 10k pebbles for 1 moonstone).
okay disclaimer out of the way, now let's get into a bit of a ramble aka the actual point of this post
Is this a stupid idea? Will it break the already fragile economy? Abso-fluffing-lutely. But we have too many things that cost moonstones and not enough things that cost pebbles, on the forums the exchange rates are inflated and inconsistent, and basically anything on the site is just as easily valued by off-site currency (FR gem exchanges, anyone?) as on-site currency. When the only way to get things done on the site is to spend quite frankly absurd amounts (I'll get back to that statement in a bit) of real money or exchange currency from another site for currency on this site, there is no on-site economy.
Speaking of real money, practically forcing us to buy moonstones with real money to get anything done on the site is exploitative towards the site's audience and especially towards the minors, neurodivergent players and otherwise vulnerable players. This looks especially bad for LW when you see how inflated the real money price for moonstones really is. Since LW's economy is basically leaning on FR's economy for support anyway, let's compare: Buying the lowest moonstone bundle five times gets me 50 moonstones. Spending the same amount of money on FR gems gets me 500 gems. Another difference between FR and LW is that gems are surprisingly easier to obtain by on-site means than moonstones, even though moonstones are craftable. Keep your dragons fed by gathering food in just a few clicks or getting food from coli in like half an hour in a lowlevel venue and you get a gem a day consistently. Compared to grind for 5+ hours a day and get a moonstone a day, maybe two if you're lucky with shard drops. Do you see the time and effort discrepancy? A LW player spends way more time and effort or irl money on a single moonstone than a FR player spends on a single gem.
Something has to be done, and stupid problems require stupid solutions. If the currency problem is bad enough to warrant a suggestion as stupid as an official currency exchange, you're doing something wrong.
Of course, the logical way to fix this would be to turn all those upgrades that cost moonstones into upgrades that cost pebbles, turn some other moonstone sinks into pebble sinks as well (e.g. the little site apparel we have should not cost moonstones), and make it easier to get moonstones (e.g. make it so that moonstone ore in the mining minigame drops complete moonstones instead of moonstone shards). All of this should already have been implemented when the site launched, but I digress.
Now, don't get me wrong. I know I come across as angry. I promise I'm not. I'm exaggerating my frustration. The gameplay loop of this site is great for instant gratification with the constantly renewing little tasks, I love spending time on this site and getting those little tasks ticked off, but it's completely pointless to go through as a free-to-play player because it costs far too much time and effort to get any currency that will actually help me get anything done. I can't get wolves from other players because everyone is asking for moonstones which I don't have. I can't sell my own wolves for moonstones because the only two that are actually valuable to the playerbase are wolves that I am unwilling to sell. I can't get more wild wolves to sell because I don't have the time to grind for hours upon hours upon hours for maybe at most 5 tokens a day with the encounter rate I'm getting. I haven't had a single success in the over 30 encounters I've had in the past few weeks of consistent an-hour-and-a-half-of-grinding-a-day sessions and I didn't even get anything for like half of those encounters because they were before the tokens were implemented. I can't make custom apparel due to artistic limitations and the moonstone fee required to even get started on creating any. Simply put, I have no options to make playing this game any easier on myself without spending real money. Am I angry? No. I'm just disappointed.
I am sick and tired of this site's exploitative economy. Start implementing economy-fixing solutions already. You've had more than enough feedback about this mess, start responding.
Friendly reminder before I end this post: My initial suggestion of an official currency exchange is a joke. What I want is an economy that doesn't need to lean on FR (or other sites) for support and doesn't exploit vulnerable players. If that requires an official currency exchange as a bandaid solution, okay, fine with me, but I'd rather have a proper solution to a problem that shouldn't have existed in the first place.
Please do not ping me in replies. I don't want to be involved in whatever discussion this ends up starting, I've given all my thoughts on the matter already. This post is out here, do with it whatever you will, agree, disagree, add to it, give better suggestions for solutions to the problem, I would love to see better suggestions actually! Just don't drag me back to this thread with a ping. I won't hesitate to block people if I need to.
clarifying a small point I made bc I see it being addressed (thank you to the people who pointed it out btw): yes, 1 MS is 10 G and 1 G is 1 MS Shard. I don't mind that exchange rate.
what I DO mind is that MS, not the shards, are the currency used on the site. MS, not the shards, are the currency being traded for. but SHARDS are what we get from gameplay. therefore LW is NOT more generous with its premium currency, it is more generous with 1/10th of its premium currency. in the greater scheme of things, we still get at most 5ms every two days - which, yes, is more generous than FR's 1 gem a day, but ONLY if you can put in the time and effort to grind for it; for a casual player with little time to spend online, it's more likely to be 2ms every three days.
(also note that I'm disregarding the existence of Pageant and its shard rewards for voting in my calculations for simplicity's sake. haven't seen comments about that, still felt the need to bring it up just to be clear)