What I think would be nice is having more sorting options. As of right now, we can only sort by price range and category. A good addition would be a sorting order for all items.
For example:
- Random - item order is new every time you enter the market or refresh the page
- Price (ascending/descending) - items are ordered by price
- Date (newest/oldest) - items are sorted by the date at which they were added
- Rating (highest/lowest) - sort items by most or least liked
- Popularity (most/least popular) - sort items by most or least units sold
More on rating: It will be a simple karma/upvote system where, if you like the item you see, you give it an upvote! This will make it possible to sort by most liked and least liked apparel (to find hidden underrated gems! :) ) Popularity and rating sound similar but the core difference is how many units were actually sold, since anyone can star/like an item they haven't bought.