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1 year ago
Best Companions for Synergy?

Hi there, everyone. I have been trying my hand at switching companions, and I am so lost when it comes to getting the best synergies based on the wolf breed of my team. I have looked at the team builder, and while that is a great resource, I find myself getting confused and overwhelmed by all the options.

Does anyone have some advice as to which companions you tend to favor and why? And if there are some that work particularly well for certain wolf breeds?

Thank you so much for taking the time!


1 year ago
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🦴 gremlin (she/her)
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Lupins are the worst wolf for battling.. jocols or kits with furmus or a canictonis are pretty awesome once you get them all leveled to 10.. focus on the 1st sword area until they are all level 4/5 then you can usually beat 2nd sword area enemies (Murkwood is harder becuse it has the canictonis) once you hit 7/8 you can beat the brochs in goldsea 4 or the furmus in icerun 4 (murkwood 4 and darkspine 4 really arent worth grinding in!)

1 year ago

Thank you, @lissajo! That is so helpful to know. Especially about the Lupins, I thought I just wasn't getting how they work because my girl Nightshade is by far the worst for campaigning. Too bad because they fit such a warrior aesthetic haha.


1 year ago
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🦴 gremlin (she/her)
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@Yonder yea, sadly the wolfiest wolf doesnt battle well! a lot of enemies take them down quick. glad to help :) hopefully you will have more luck with a different team!

1 year ago
The Inspired
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It's good to have a grouger as a companion to a kit or jocol. They provide energy, acting as batteries for abilities.


Selling Ace flag wolves! Bargain price!

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