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1 year ago
Tables in edit mode

Ok, I lied. I didn't figure it out

So, when in edit mode, you can't move a tables vertical line. If you add enough text, it'll move the line towards whichever side you're text is going (I was working on the right cell, so it pushed the line towards the left), but it makes the image in the left cell (or right cell depending) shrink.

Is that how tables work? You can't edit them at all in edit mode (specifically the vertical line(s) dividing cells)? Or is this maybe a bug?

Edit mode ^^

Out of edit mode ^^

I don't know html very well, I've used BBcode for years so this is all very new to me >> Every time I've use html I've used pre-made codes, which was pretty easy to follow. So idk if this is just something that html is limited to >>

Thanks for any help!

Libra • -7 (PST) • 25
Flight RisingtoyhouseAvatarLore

1 year ago


Tables are VERY bugged right now. So much so that I don't even reccomend using them right now.

With the table function in the editor we should have the ability to edit the table with background colors/border styles/joining cells/splitting cells, and assigning specific widths/heights to cells among more options, but currrently NONE of that works and the tables default themselves to basic instead (And can even break your post/bio and make it uneditable)

If you click on the sorce button on your code you'll see a line similar to this

< colgroup>

<col style="width:33.33%;"><col style="width:33.33%;">

< /colgroup>

Theoretically for your purposes, if you wanted to make the cell with the image take up a specific amount of space you could put like 40% in the first “Col Style” tag and the text box could be 60% in the second “col style” tag. But, as I said, editing anything on a table just doesn't work right now probablly due to an internal coding error with the site itself.

1 year ago


Gotcha. I figured something out thankfully that works at the moment, and kinda works how I wanted it to >>

Hopefully it gets fixed soon! It's probably not top of the list (which is understandable), so for now what I have going will work

Thanks for your answer :D I'll have to remember those %s for the future >>

Libra • -7 (PST) • 25
Flight RisingtoyhouseAvatarLore

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