you can create threads during maint? huh.
you can also reply too, hm
Companions page also works lol
EDIT: And redeem a code
ah. refreshing kicks you out of your account
I hope they're not having problems since it's almost half an hour past 4 :(
✤ As the stars appear, I know I'll find you staring at the skyPointlessly reaching for some light you hope to guide your sorry way ✤
Lore Thread . Free Assets Thread . LW Tumblr (links coming soon)
Hopefully, they're just fixing some things up so there aren't any bugs and just went a little overtime. Just hoping everything's okay.
CASP (Custom Apparel Sponsorship Program) Founder & Organizer
they've extended the maintenance by 1 hour, if you dont know that already
I am not on the discord, so I didn't know that. Wish they'd have changed the announcement bar since it still says 3-4 on there.