Hi there! This is a support thread for checking whether your item will have any issues when submitting before you get to the completed stage of your works. This support thread is for CA Mod Team responses to CA creators.
Don't forget to check out the Rules and Custom Apparel guidelines in-depth on the Custom Apparel Guide before posting to this thread.
You can ask questions about:
- Sketches and concepts you think might toe the line of the rules
- Pushes boundaries
- Double checking, as you cannot see a rule that covers your idea
- Asking for clarification on a rule
- Checking whether your item resembles copyrighted material too closely
When submitting an item that is inspired by copyrighted material, please add the sources to your query so that I may compare the materials and let you know the Key Features that would make an item liable for copyright. There are no warnings, judgements or account penalties for asking for advice on custom apparel inspired by copyrighted material.
If you need support on an item already submitted, rejected or reworked, you can request support in the CA Support Thread.
This is not a thread to argue or question a Custom Support ruling or answer. For any issues with rules or handling of a topic, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Support Team who will forward this on for a Dev to review.