tl;dr- I'm fine with adding on-hand shards and knucklebones to the top. Would prefer to see the hard cap on shards removed and made into a soft cap, but barring that I would want the daily counter hidden behind hover.
This is just personal preference with the shards, but I actually don't want to know lol If there was a counter right in my face then I'd feel compelled to complete it daily and really start to hate it.
Ideally, I would much rather see the cap removed and changed to a soft cap, where you're just a lot more likely to get shards for the first 25, after which the droprate decreases.
If the devs strictly don't want to do that though, then I would prefer any counter added is at least a little bit hidden. Maybe having it so when you hover over your MS count it shows in the popup box? So something like this:
Though this solution does present a bit of a problem on mobile where the hovering doesn't really work well, since clicking there links through to the premium shop. Maybe they could add a shard counter that shows you your total shards, and the daily cap is shown when hovering over that? This would be especially nice if they add shards as a valid currency for purchasing things on the flea market, which I know has been asked for.
I'd be perfectly fine with seeing a knucklebone count added. With that all in mind, I took a stab at a full mock up: