Hi everyone,
Just had a thought it'd be really convenient if we could see our amount of Knucklebones and progress on Daily Moonshard Cap along with the other currencies on that section:
Currently we can see Moonstones, Pebbles and our event Tickets (along with our messages), but at least on PC there's a big space left on this part of the screen that could be used to display more information in a way we don't have to math it ourselves (in the case of MS daily cap) or look up in our inventory (for KB).
So for the KB it'd be just like the tickets/ms: the KB icon and the amount.
For the MS daily cap could be, considering current cap, obtained/cap: MS icon 19/25 or display how many we already got.
Since the game abbreviates amounts in K, M and I assume it will also do the same for Billions and so on, it doesn't seem like it'd take much space.
I would have made an example, but my editing skills are nonexistent.
edit: Just to be clear, there's no Knucklebone cap, just bad wording.