Hellohello! This is a thread to supply some ideas I (and others) have had for pageants!
My idea: theme weeks!
- Each week, we have a variety of themes to choose from, and our pageants are subdivided into whichever theme we've entered
- I.e., three themes in a week: Custom Apparel, Jocols, and Wolves Without Apparel
- I enter a Bracchus without apparel to the “Wolves Without Apparel” theme
- My pageant is filled with other wolves under the Wolves Without Apparel theme, so I vote for other wolves without apparel
Wolf images would have to be locked on the moment of entry in some way to prevent wolves from visually changing mid-pageant! This is also useful if you, say, normally keep a wolf clothed but wanna submit it to a Wolves Without Apparel week. Remove all the apparel, submit your wolf, put apparel back on, and others only see your wolf without its apparel on so you can figure out how much people like it!
Themes would have to be pretty broad in order to avoid pageants not filling out, but I think that's doable.
Some ideas for themes: breeds, markings, custom apparel, site apparel, no-apparel, wolves in the profession that's being celebrated this week
and there can always be a miscellaneous category if people want to participate in pageant free-for-alls!
Feel free to make more pageant suggestions below!