Going ahead and getting an auction set up since a lot of you seemed interested!
Starting Bid: 410ms @ Katkat
Minimum Increment: 10ms
Auto Buy: None
- Auction will end on May 26th at 4pm LW time
- Please ping both me and the person you are outbidding!
- I am willing to hold her if you need time to gather funds.
- I am accepting both LW and FR currency, preferably Moonstones and Gems. I will also take Unhatched Eggs, Knucklebone Tokens and Besprinklers.
- I will consider Wild Wolves, Double G1s, Custom Apparel, and Usermade Accents, but I'm fairly picky. My FR Profile is here, in case you'd like an idea of what I'm looking for!
Last Day Pings:
Katkat, Shii, Zelda