Incase the title isn't clear, I mean the crystal/emerald/amber etc guppies we get from the second fishing location.
For me personally, most of my food stores come from continuously cooking the fish I get from the fishing minigame, and I recently unlocked the second location. However, most of the fish I get from there (I might just have weird rng, let me know if that's the case!) are the guppies, and since we can't cook them it drastically cuts the amount of cookable food I receive from each trip. As it is now, I only fish in the second area if I have the catch 15 fish activity because the number of fish/round is higher, then I go back to area 1 in order to get fish I can cook. Being able to cook the guppies would make life much easier, and would provide an incentive to use the second area instead of just farming the first.