Just some thoughts on the Monthly Subscription-
4.99$ Per Month, 3 MS Daily… That would be 90 MS after 30 Days.
Which really isn't a Bad Deal- BUT…
I just don't feel that it's all that enticing…?
Including the Removal of Ads… (Which, I do believe most people would simply opt to use some sort of Ad Blocker-)
I understand a site needs revenue.
So why not make the Monthly Subscription more… Valuable? Get more users interested.
Here are some suggestions!
Reward Points + Reward Store - Every monthly renewal could provide, for example, 10 Reward Points. Including a special “Reward Point Shop” to spend these in- The shop could include reward Point Exclusive Items. Companions, Banners, Wolf Patterns, Etc. You could even consider allowing the purchase of a CAT with so many Reward Points! Or other MS exclusive items.
Daily Knucklebone - Include 1 Daily Knucklebone alongside the 3 MS. After 50 Days of being subscribed… That would allow the subscriber to obtain a WW as a Reward!
Cool-Down Buffs…? - I'm not as certain about this one… But perhaps providing subscribers with a 2-5% Decrease on Cool-Downs for their Nesting/Resting/Aging Wolves?
There's a lot of vocal “No Support” and I want to add that I understand where everyone is coming from-
But I personally still believe the Monthly Subscription needs a Boost.
I just want to acknowledged that I am reading all of your input 🙏
I agree, that right now, the gap between Pay and Free Players is absolutely massive- But I currently don't have any ideas to address that issue… It also might be better suited for a separate Suggestions Post.
Keeping the Monthly Sub “Pure Cosmetic” would be a way to avoid adding a Game-Play Boost. Subscription Banners, Profile Decorations, I still think some Subscription Apparel would be perfectly fine-
None of these items give any sort of Boost to the over-all Game Play. Purely Cosmetic.
Edit #2
My Other Suggestion Threads
Besprinkler Suggestion - Pebble Sink Ideas...? // Perma-Puppy Ideas