I wasn't quite sure where to post it. I know my experience is a far cry from a solid sample to conclude whether it is a bug, and I know I don't have the best luck, so I figured I'd first post here to see what others are experiencing.
Long story short; I keep getting purples. Blue-y purples, reddish purples, dark purples, light purples. Purple everywhere! Perhaps it is because I'm not fond of that shade on my wolves, but I can't seem to get anything else. By now I've besprinkled a couple, but I had at some point 6 wolves that looked so incredibly similar, with one or two blue-ish green shades, and the rest different shades of purple.
Now I know I may be slightly biased because Flight Rising's scatterscrolls did end up being slightly bugged in the beginning, skipping a specific colour range, IIRC, but I am curious if other people are also noticing either bad luck in terms of colours they don't like, or also a seemingly abnormal amount of purples in their wild wolves and besprinkling.