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1 year ago
The Matchmaker
66 Achievements
General Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
The Pet Thread

Welcome to the Pet Thread!

This is the perfect place to share your real life pets, your dream pets, your wishlist pets, or anything else pet-related and meet some people with the same love for animals as you!


  1. Follow Lorwolf's Terms of Service, Code of Conduct, and Forum Etiquette!
  2. This is not the place for debates. Healthy discussion is encouraged, but please do not insult or harass people. We're all here because we care about our animals.
    • Okay: “Are you going to upgrade your gecko's tank someday? Mine loves exploring his 30 gallon, and it was really fun to decorate.”
    • Not okay: “You're a horrible person for keeping your gecko in a 10 gallon tank! You should give her to someone else!”

1 year ago
The Matchmaker
66 Achievements
General Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1

This is Kitty. He's an 11 year old rescue who was originally born on the streets. He was 6 months old when I adopted him. He's too old to catch anything or jump the fence now, so he's allowed outside in the yard.

This is Misiu. He's my only non-rescue pet. He is a purebred Maine c*on kitten (help I can't post the name of a cat breed lol). He is so mischievous!

This is Kiwi, my yellow-sided green-cheeked conure. He is 8 years old and from the same animal shelter as Ms. T (keep scrolling to meet her). When I adopted him he was less than a year old. He is my baby and he gets so much out-of-cage time hanging out with me (away from the cats of course).

This is my leopard gecko, Crowley. He's a wild type and he's a rescue. He's been in a 20 gallon long for quite awhile, so I'm currently setting up a 36x18x12 inch bioactive enclosure for him! The last thing on my checklist is the cleanup crew (isopods & springtails).

Finally, this is Ms. T, my rescue Russian tortoise. The animal shelter found her wandering around a construction site, gravel all throughout her digestive system. I guess someone let her loose instead of trying to find a better home for her. She's now in a ~120 gallon tank and gets to explore the fenced yard (no predators) when it's warm enough.

I would absolutely love to get some more reptiles someday, and arthropods, too. And far off in the future I want to have a homestead with a bunch of farm animals.


1 year ago
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This is Smokey and he's currently 9 years old. I adopted him from the city shelter during a Free Cat Friday adoption event. He was 2 months old when I got him. He loves to explore and reek havoc lol.

1 year ago

This is Delon, he is around 5 years old, a mixed Danish Swedish farmdog. I got him in January of 2020 and he is honestly the best dog anyone could have. He does have his struggles (spooks easily, separation anxiety), but other than that, he is so well behaved, a very easy dog, and very very affectionate. I am so grateful that he is in my life. <3


1 year ago

I have a Borzoi, his name is Chekov



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