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1 year ago
How to get more bones?

it seems every crafting recipe requires bone paste, but I'm having trouble getting any bones.

I got like 10 bones from hunting in a certain quest (?) but then I got to level 2 and suddenly none of the quests give any bones.

is there any other way to get bones other than hunting?

or am I supposed to reroll quests or something and that will give me the one I want again?

I want to try rerolling but I am still very new and poor so I don't want to waste any money if I don't have to haha

thanks in advance to anyone who can help me! ^^

1 year ago
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Have you tried the campaign? Bones are pretty easy to get from the campaign; they drop from monsters and occasionally the “something” encounter.


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1 year ago

@Stellori ahhhhh okay that makes sense!! I don't love campaigning so I've only done it like 10-ish times and I didn't get bones any of those times so I kind of just forgot about it

thank you!!

1 year ago

btw for future reference in case anyone finds this post and is wondering! I know there's a wiki now but some people look for the forums (at least based on my FR experience) so

here are the best ways I've found:

- mole market! sometimes you get bones for free (although it's rare) and sometimes they are for sale. they're super cheap (much cheaper than the flea market too) so this is definitely the best way to get bones pretty fast. bone meal is for sale too and also a great price!

- festivals. you can trade tickets for bones at some fests, especially the crafting one.

- hunting. not every hunt gives bones, but some of them do, so it's still an okay way!

- campaign and gauntlets. still the most tedious method to me, but it might work for you!

I'm a very casual player (idk what I'm even playing for yet lol) but I have gathered over 1500 bones since my last post :)

(also sorry to bump this to the top, I didn't know you couldn't edit titles or I would have changed this to say 'solved' or something. or there is a way and I just don't know it haha)

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