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1 year ago
The Curious
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Knucklebone tokens and encounter ww scenario update need fix

I'm sure there are other players out there who feel like me that the ww encounter is already so rare. I barely see 1 after waste 5-10 stamina bar in campaign we don't need to lower the encounter chance for it. We should have increase ww encounter scenario instead to compensate for needing 100 tokens to get a wild wolf.

If you want to keep the lower encounter ww scenario chance then please nerf the Knucklebone token number requierd to make the hunting mission to 100% befriend ww to a more reasonable number like 20 or 30. Especially since you already nerf all the food encounters too I think it's just fair we try to balance out the tokens earn with the encounters. Less tokens need if rarer encounters. More tokens need if encounters are more common.

If you rather keep the encounter rate and and the 100 tokens need please change it so each fail encounter give between 1 to 5 tokens instead of only 1 per fail encounter.

Thank you for reading this

1 year ago
The Stinky
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Yeah I agree, I was surprised it was one hundred tokens, let alone making encounters rarer! That's a whole lot! and encounters were already incredibly rare.


1 year ago
The Lurking
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I think having it at 100 is fine, but what I do agree with is increasing the number of knucklebones you get per encounter. 1-5 seems very reasonable


Hi I lurk and go on frequent hiatuses, but I check in every few days.

1 year ago

I mostly agree with this, but I don't think it should go up from 100 if the WW encounter chance is put back to how it was before. They were already rare and 100 tokens even at old rates would still take a while. I feel like the price should be reduced or the encounter rate should go back to normal and keep it at 100 tokens

1 year ago
The Green Paw
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i agree 100 tokens is a lot, especially with an encounter reduction rate. this change might alienate new players and casual players who don't grind as much as more intense players (the “HC word” i'd usually use here instead of “intense” is censored).

i'll share my feedback here that i shared in discord: my worry is that this is a soft test for a monetized system where these tokens cost real money.


1 year ago
The Curious
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Support, and a few misc thoughts on the subject while I have time at work.

If youre going to reduce encounter rate, at least make it clear by how much it has been nerfed. people were already going 30+ stam bars without a single encounter. You dont NEED a WW to play the game but g1 collecting is incredibly popular in the genre and people are going to want to hunt their own.

If youre set on the reduced encounter rate, add more drops per failed encounter. one per encounter is pretty abysmal if theyre even harder to see now, with the overall campaign nerf. 100 tokens for a hunting mission that will reward you with a mis-matched color disaster G1 is not satiafying at all. campaign is already a mind-numbing grind, the food nerf makes it worse. reduce the amount of tokens needed or up how many are recieved from failed encounters.


1 year ago

i agree, something has to be changed with the WW encounter in general. either needs to be more common (same rate as before this update, i mean), the new tokens need to be handed out in a larger amount, or the amount to trade the tokens in need to be nerfed (like 100 → 50 or something). 100 very rare encounters for a single wolf is ridiculous to me

1 year ago
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Imo upping the amount you get per encounter would go a long way. Even if its a randomized amount between, say, 2-5 it would ease the burden a lot.

1 year ago
The Dredger
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strong disagree! I wanna see how this all plays out before asking for a change, esp since we've seen people getting knucklebones pretty easy so far :O


dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog

1 year ago

since the rate for WWs seems to be around 1 in 10 wolves befriended i believe the token requirement should be reduced to 10, or 20 at the MOST. i feel it is a more reasonable amount with the encounter rate, but at the same time won't flood the site with too many new wolves.

1 year ago

I feel like this extends further than just the WW scenario fix. Making things even harder to get when it's already incredibly difficult to get a lot of things. I feel I play this game a lot already for a browser site, daily since I started. I try to always keep up with, hunting, for example.

I have 80 tickets right now for an event after these days and for anything worthy (companions) I have to pay minimum 125. Think 80 is literally 10 minutes minimum per ticket for a wolf and her familiar. Pardon if my math is wrong I suck with numbers so bad but that's 20 hours of hunting time (not accounting for fails). Thats a lot? Other things too just take so much time, such as actually finding a WW. It sometimes takes forever, and then actually getting it to like you? For time put in and how many I've seen (luck factor too), it's hard to do. It is kind of demoralizing to see you need so many WW fails to actually get ONE. And the encounter is even more rare, which is super frustrating itself.

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