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1 year ago
191 Achievements
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I'm sorry, 100? And nerfing the encounter rate? I feel like that is a slap in the face for those of us who were already tired of the grinding. This means we need to grind even more. If you wanted to nerf the encounter rate, then you should have just made it guaranteed at that point with no tokens. I'm not sure why food was moved and nerfed? I don't want to spend hours upon hours grinding for wolves even more so than normal.

Edit: Can we have an explanation why on it being 100 tokens and nerfing the food rate? It seems you are punishing those who farmed for food to be able to in turn farm for wws. People are going to end up running out of food and struggling to even go into the campaign. Same thing for trinket farming. Making that harder and in turn no longer being able to farm that means gaining pebbles is difficult.

1 year ago

Can't say I'm thrilled about the WW nerf. It's already a lot of grind to even get a couple of them to join…

Edit : Happy to see it was changed !

1 year ago

Nerfing the WW encounter rate doesn't seem like a solution to the problem, especially if it's going to take 100 knucklebones to guarantee we get one. I spend most of my time on Lorwolf exploring and I've only ever encountered 1 WW since launch (a failure, at that)

I dunno, there's some stuff on Lorwolf that feels pretty clunky, and you're just kinda making it harder for the casual player. I don't know how long I'll be playing at this rate.

1 year ago
The Lurking
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I agree with Brushtail above! I personally was thinking the knucklebone amount would be much lower, but having them implemented at all is still a win. I think it was set very high for fear of the “power players” who would quickly devalue the tokens and thus wolves. As someone who always feels it's better to buff instead of nerf, I'd rather have the trade-in amount start too high and then tweak downwards (or encounter rate start too scarce and then be tweaked more common) than the opposite. If anyone feels bad now, imagine if these balancing updates needed to happen after releasing with unchanged encounter rate and only like 10 knucklebone cost- that would really suck. I wish we could have gotten the system ready in time to test for balancing during beta/EA, but it is what it is. Looking forward to the future!

1 year ago
The Handcrafted
169 Achievements
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So I've been hurting a bit lately for food, and having the food encounters nerfed is kind of a bummer. Told a lot of newbies to grind in the second campaign area for food, but if that's gonna be more difficult now, it'll be harder to build up a good stock.

ETA: Just wanted to say the save mushrooms are my fave drop! They're already decently rare, I don't see an issue with how many you get in one go.

1 year ago
The Star
135 Achievements
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Thank you for the Arena change, afk farmers were getting annoying! Hopefully this will discourage them somewhat

Is it only one knucklebone token per failed encounter? If so I agree that it's pretty steep, I was thinking like 10-20 failures is plenty. Trying to test it rn but the first wolf I saw joined me lmao (and the encounter took like 70 refreshes or so which isn't bad, I wonder how much “slightly” is)

1 year ago

Yeah, so nerfing WW encounters when already low encounter and low success in befriending rates is just not a great decision… even with the addition of knucklebones, that update just ain’t it. ;(

1 year ago

I'm definitely interested in knowing why the WW rate was dropped? Are they not supposed to be grindable or something?

1 year ago

I'm not really a fan of this update for reasons others have mentioned, despite looking.forward to it. That being said, a large amount of posts here are exceptionally rude to a team making a free to play game. It's not difficult to be polite when criticising. So I'll throw out some nice vibes for trying to balance things, even if it's unpopular.

1 year ago

don't want to echo too much but yyyeah the loop for ww grinding was near perfect imo. this is a mess, it's less enjoyable for everyone. you aren't even guaranteed a decent looking wolf. highly recommend rolling the ww hunting changes back.

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